
Great Southern Nights is a NSW Government initiative delivered by its tourism and major events agency Destination NSW (DNSW) in partnership with the Australian Recording Industry Association (ARIA) to support the recovery of the live music, entertainment and hospitality industries.

ARIA respects the privacy of the individuals it deals with and is committed to handling personal information in accordance with the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) and the Australian Privacy Principles (APPs). ARIA also adheres to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which applies to the personal information and data belonging to citizens of the European Union. 

Personal information is information about an individual that could be used to identify them. It can include a person’s name, contact details and an IP address.

This Privacy Policy describes how ARIA will collect, use, disclose and store personal information collected by ARIA in its role of administering the Great Southern Nights initiative. The policy will also explain how you can access personal information ARIA holds about you, correct that information, or request its destruction. You consent to ARIA handling your personal information in accordance with this Privacy Policy.

From time to time, ARIA may review and update this Privacy Policy. This may be due to changes in legislative requirements, technology or ARIA’s operations. In this case, all personal information will be handled in line with the most recently updated Privacy Policy.


ARIA collects personal information for the purpose of carrying out its primary function related to administering the Great Southern Nights initiative. Most of the information ARIA collects relates to individuals and businesses in their business or professional capacities, although some personal information may also be collected. The type of personal information ARIA may collect includes, but is not limited to:

  • Contact details (including, names, email addresses, postal addresses, phone numbers, ABNs).
  • Contact details, evidence of identity, gender information and other information about artists who wish to participate in the Great Southern Nights initiative.
  • Contact details of members of the public who have submitted their interest in attending any Great Southern Night performances.
  • ARIA may also collect personal information about individuals in their private capacity who post or make comments on ARIA or Great Southern Nights branded social media channels.
  • Contact details of persons and organisations who ARIA works with to administer the Great Southern Nights initiative, including contractors, media organisations and government authorities and agencies.

Sensitive Information

Although ARIA does not normally collect sensitive personal information, from time to time ARIA may request such information. This can include information about an individual’s gender identity, sexual preferences, and racial or ethnic background.  If ARIA does collect and hold this type of information, it will only do so in strict accordance with the APPs, and only use and disclose the information for the primary purpose given at the time of collection.


ARIA generally collects personal information from the individual. Common ways ARIA collects personal information includes without limitation:

  • registrations for expressions of interests via the Great Southern Nights website;
  • from venue and artist application forms;
  • from telephone, postal and email correspondence;
  • from contributions made via social media channels (including but not limited to Twitter and Facebook);
  • from registrations to marketing and other mailing databases; and
  • from submission of queries via telephone, email, online or other formats.


Personal information held by ARIA will be used for the primary reason it was collected. Potential purposes for which ARIA may use personal information may include without limitation:

  • Organising Great Southern Nights performances and related events
  • Processing applications and expressions of interests
  • Communicating with the public, artists and venues
  • For the purpose of online mailing lists. If you have subscribed to an online mailing list, you can remove your email details from the mailing list by unsubscribing. Each mailing list provides clear instructions on how to unsubscribe.
  • Carrying out marketing, media and promotional activities
  • Responding to queries and complaints
  • Managing business relationships
  • Event reporting purposes for DNSW, ARIA and its partners
  • Complying with legal and regulatory obligations

In most cases, the purpose for which ARIA requires an individual’s personal information will be evident from the way in which it was collected. If the purpose for which personal information has been collected is unclear, ARIA will inform individuals of the specific purpose as soon as the information has been collected 


Online forms are used by ARIA to collect information for example, as a part of expressions of interest and receiving applications from artists and venues who wish to participate in the Great Southern Nights initiative. ARIA may use Google Forms for this purpose. Information collected in these forms may be transferred outside of Australia and stored in Google’s servers overseas. This data is accessed by ARIA and held by Google in accordance with this Privacy Policy and Google’s terms of service. You can access Google’s Terms of Service and Privacy Policy from their website. By utilising the online forms, you consent to the storage of your answers and information offshore, and understand that once you submit a form, ARIA will not have an obligation to take reasonable steps to ensure Google does not breach the APPs in relation to your personal information. If you do not want to use the online forms, please contact so ARIA may provide you with an alternative.


Surveys are designed to collect specific market research and/or demographic information that DNSW may use for planning and strategy development. The personal information that is collected from you by such surveys is de-identified so that your identity can no longer be determined. The original survey is held by DNSW. The information is only used in an aggregated form as statistical information. The statistical information that is collected is analysed to allow DNSW to deliver more exciting and competitive travel related activities and events that in turn allow the NSW tourism industry to grow. 

Online Survey and Research 

From time to time, ARIA may use Jotform to conduct its online surveys to collect reporting information from you. Information collected in these surveys may be transferred outside Australia and stored in Jotform’s servers in the United States and Germany. This data is accessed by ARIA and held by Jotform in accordance with this Privacy Policy and Jotform’s terms and conditions. You can access Jotform’s terms of use and privacy policy from their website. By participating in such online surveys, you consent to the storage of your survey answers and information offshore, and understand that once you submit a survey, ARIA will not have an obligation to take reasonable steps to ensure that Jotform does not breach the APPs in relation to personal information (as per 8.2(b), APPs). If you do not wish to provide your response to ARIA and DNSW using the online survey form, then please contact so that ARIA may provide the form to you in a different format. 


ARIA may collect personal information about individuals who browse the Great Southern Nights website, through the use of web analytics software (for example Google Analytics), cookies and other tracking technologies.

Cookies may be enabled on the Great Southern Nights website. A cookie is a small text file that is sent from a website visitor’s computer to the host website. Cookies contain data which records how visitors use a website and other information that can allow the website to identify the visitor in the future.

When you access pages on the Great Southern Nights website, the following information may be recorded:

  • The IP address of the device which accessed the website
  • Your top-level domain name
  • The address of your server
  • The time and date you accessed the website
  • Pages that were accessed and, if any, documents downloaded
  • The previous website visited
  • The type of internet browser and operating system you have used

The use of cookies will not allow ARIA to obtain personal information that will identify you. Such personal information will only be provided to ARIA if you have set the preferences in your browser to provide this information automatically.

The information collected through cookies will be aggregated with similar logged information and disclosed to DNSW, who uses them to manage their website services and identify patterns of usage so as to improve the delivery of services. 

You may delete and block all cookies used by the Great Southern Nights website, however if you do so, parts of that website may not work as designed. You can set your browser to notify you when you receive a cookie, giving you the chance to decide whether or not to allow it. However, if you decide to not accept cookies, some of the web pages may not display properly or you may not be permitted to access certain information. 

Pixels and Web Analytics Pixels are a small tag or snippet of code that allows ARIA to track how visitors to the Great Southern Nights website use the site and its features. If ARIA uses Pixels, the information is anonymised and used to help ARIA improve users’ experience when using the website.

ARIA also collects statistical information about visitors to the Great Southern Nights website using web analytics and session recording technology provided by third party service providers such as Google Analytics. These services use Cookies to help ARIA understand how visitors use and access the website. Generally, this information cannot be used to identify particular individuals.  However, in some circumstances it may include a visitor's internet protocol (IP) address, which could be linked to an individual.

Third party sites For your convenience, the Great Southern Nights website and other social media channels may contain links to online services operated by third parties. You should be aware that ARIA is not responsible for the privacy practices of those third parties. You should ensure you review the privacy policy of any third party site you visit, especially if you are disclosing any personal, sensitive or financial information to them.


ARIA generally only discloses personal information to other persons and organisations for the primary purpose for which we have collected it, or with your consent (which may be explicit, or implied from your conduct or the circumstance in which the information was collected). We may also disclose personal information if required or permitted by law to do so.

The following section describes circumstances and organisations to whom ARIA may disclose personal information. Wherever personal information to disclosed to a person or organisation, ARIA takes personable steps to ensure the recipient;

  • handles that information in accordance with the APPs and the Privacy Act;
  • only uses the information for the specific purpose for which is was provided to them;
  • does not disclose the information to any other person or organisation except in accordance with instructions from ARIA; and
  • stores the information securely and destroys the information when it is no longer needed.

Disclosures to Destination NSW

ARIA has partnered with DNSW to deliver the Great Southern Nights initiative. DNSW handles personal information in strict accordance with the APPs and the Privacy Act and the GDPR. DNSW will have access to all personal information collected by ARIA. This includes, but is not limited to:

  • information relating artists and venues participating in the Great Southern Nights initiative;
  • information received via surveys and other research activities;
  • information relating to contractors, suppliers and service providers providing services for the Great Southern Nights initiative; and
  • information gathered from web analytics tools and cookies.

DNSW will use and manage the personal information as per DNSW’s Privacy Policy. Please visit to read DNSW’s Privacy Policy. The GDPR applies to the data processing activities of DNSW in the European Union as:

  1. DNSW has operations in the European Union namely United Kingdom, Germany and France.
  2. DNSW offers goods and services or monitors the behaviour of individuals in the European Union – via its websites and representative offices. DNSW promotes New South Wales as a tourism destination and also holds roadshows and famils in the European Union.

DNSW may transfer your personal information to people working for DNSW outside of Australia, including in the United States, United Kingdom, India, China, Hong Kong, Japan, New Zealand, France, Germany and other DNSW international offices. DNSW will only do this if the recipient of the information is subject to laws that are equivalent to the APPs. Disclosures to contractors and service providers

ARIA is relying on third party contractors and service providers to provide services and perform functions on its behalf in order to administer the Great Southern Nights initiative. In order for these services to be provided, ARIA may have to disclose some personal information to a third party. These third parties may include:

  • organisations that provide communication services on our behalf;
  • event management, organisation and production contractors;
  • advisers who have been engaged by ARIA for legal, administrative, financial or other services; and
  • information technology service providers.


All personal information collected by ARIA is stored on password-protected servers only accessible by authorised team members. All ARIA employees and contractors are required to maintain confidentiality as a requirement of their employment.

Once ARIA has used the personal information for the reason it was collected, ARIA takes reasonable steps to ensure the information is safely destroyed. There are exceptions to this process. In some cases, ARIA will retain personal information if required to do so by law or by law enforcement agencies.


Under the Privacy Act and GDPR, you have several rights over your personal information held by ARIA. This includes the right to seek access to, request correction, and request erasure of your personal information. You can also object to ARIA’s processing of your personal information by withdrawing your consent at any time. However, if you choose not to provide your personal information ARIA may not be able to forward the material that you are requesting or provide you with one of the numerous services available through the Great Southern Nights website or elsewhere. You can choose to remain anonymous or use a pseudonym.

While ARIA will take reasonable steps to complete your request, there are some circumstances where ARIA will not be able to process your request. This includes situations where the law requires or permits ARIA to withhold access to some or all of your personal information.

All requests should be directed to ARIA’s Privacy Officer via the contact details available below.


If you wish to access the information held about you by ARIA, amend that information, request that information’s destruction, or if you believe ARIA has breached this Privacy Policy or the APPs, you can contact ARIA at the following:

By post Great Southern Nights ARIA Privacy Officer PO Box Q20 QUEEN VICTORIA BUILDING NSW 1230

By telephone (02) 8569 1144

By email

This Privacy Policy was last updated 29 August 2024.